Case Summaries 2009-2010

Conflict of interest allegation

It was alleged that a public servant had contravened the conflict of interest rules with respect to hiring. The investigation concluded that the contravention had not occurred. The Commissioner was satisfied with the investigation and closed the file.

Meeting Quality Standards

It was alleged that public servants were engaging in gross mismanagement or creating grave danger for failing to ensure that a service delivery unit met provincial standards. The investigation substantiated many of the circumstances alleged by the discloser. Upon review of the report after referral, the Commissioner concluded that a combination of factors, none of which were directly attributable to one person, demonstrated a degree of mismanagement, although not gross mismanagement, and led to the risk of creating grave danger that was not reasonable.

The senior official to whom the Commissioner made the referral committed to a number of corrective actions to address the problems identified and reduce the risk of future wrongdoing. In this case, the Commissioner made one recommendation that was adopted by the senior official. The Commissioner was satisfied with the investigation and closed the file.