Lobbyists Registration
Welcome to the Ontario lobbyists registry. You will find everything you need to create an account, file a registration, search the registry and more.
NOTICE: Staff at the Office of the Integrity Commissioner may be working remotely. Please email us at lobbyist.mail@oico.on.ca for assistance on lobbyist registration.
What's New
Election Guidance
Looking for information on managing registrations during and after the writ period? See our Guidance for Lobbyists During and After an Election.
Guidance on Political Activity
Can a lobbyist work on an election campaign?
See our Guidance for Lobbyists on Political Activity.
Lobbyists are responsible for ensuring that the lobbying targets in their registrations are updated following a cabinet shuffle or any changes to ministerial titles and ministry names. To assist lobbyists in keeping registrations up to date, we have created a page that shows the previous and the new lobbying target names.
Lobbying Activity
Lobbyists completing the Lobbying Activity section of the registration form are required to submit a complete description of lobbying activities. Lobbyists are encouraged to consult the Lobbying Activity page for guidance on submitting clear and concise statements that allow the public to easily identify and understand lobbying goals.
The Office has a new way to inform lobbyists about Ontario’s registration and compliance requirements - an email newsletter.
The newsletter will be issued up to six times a year. Please subscribe below.
Interpretation Bulletins
The Integrity Commissioner, as Lobbyists Registrar, issues Interpretation Bulletins that interpret specific sections of the Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998. The Bulletins have been revised and new ones have been added. Read them here.
Lobbyist Registration Checklists
Registration and Compliance Checklists are available to assist lobbyists in ensuring complete and compliant registrations. Find them in Resources
Guidance on Gifts & Benefits
Thinking of offering a gift to a public office holder?
Check the Guidance for Lobbyists: Gifts & Benefits.
Have a question?
The Office is available to help you with such questions as how to create an account, file an initial registration and submit a notice of termination. Contact: 416-327-4053 or lobbyist.mail@oico.on.ca.