Expense Disclosure

The Office of the Integrity Commissioner provides quarterly information on the expenses incurred by the Integrity Commissioner, Counsel, and Director. The OIC will also post the expenses of other staff who incur more than $5,000 in expenses over a financial year. The expenses are incurred for such items as local travel for meetings and outreach sessions, as well as hospitality. In addition, the OIC participates in organizations such as the Canadian Conflict of Interest Network and the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws in the United States, and staff will travel to certain conferences or meetings of these or other similar organizations.

The Office follows the Ontario Travel, Meal, and Hospitality Expenses Directive.

Expenses of Hon. J. David Wake (Integrity Commissioner)

Fiscal year 2023-2024
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 6 - 8, 2023

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

All other meals provided at conference

$471.06 $466.86 $12.50 $209.80 $1,160.22
Sep 19 - 21, 2023

Public Interest Disclosure Conference 
Charlottetown, P.E.I.

All other meals provided at conference

$422.14 $831.51 $77.5 $47 $1,378.15
Sep 26 - 28, 2023

Lobbyists Registrar Conference 
Victoria, B.C.

All other meals provided at conference

$509.84 $970.61 $112.5 $222 $1,814.95
Dec 3 - 6, 2023

Council of Governmental Ethics Laws 
(COGEL)  - Kansas City, Missouri

All other meals provided at conference

$532.37 $782.37 $320.55 $306.86 $1,942.15
Fiscal year 2022-2023
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 7 - 9, 2022

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Yellowknife, NWT

All other meals provided at conference

$718.25 $373.80 $81.94 $1,173.99
Sep 13 - 16, 2022

Public Interest Disclosure Conference 
Whitehorse, YK

All other meals provided at conference

$747.28 $1,353.41 $45 $116.00 $2,261.69
Oct 3 - 5, 2022

Lobbyists Registrar Conference 
Quebec City, QC

All other meals provided at conference

$996.03 $87.5 $400 $1,483.53
Dec 3 - 7, 2022 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Montreal, QC 

All other meals provided at conference
$803.25 $92.50 $97.18 $992.93
Fiscal year 2019-2020
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 3 - 5, 2019

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Regina, SK

Meals provided at conference

$638.26 $379.58 $32.00 $1,049.84
Sep 22 - 24, 2019

Public Interest Disclosure Conference 
Halifax, NS

All other meals provided at conference

$365.83 $466.86 $22.50 $106.00 $961.19
Dec 15 - 18, 2019 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) - Chicago, IL

Some meals provided at conference
$310.86 $594.70 $245.03 $56.73 $1,207.32
Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Jul 8-10, 2018 Network of Ethics and
Parliamentary Ethics
Quebec City , QC
$490.94 $486.30 $22.50 $40.00 $1,039.74
Sep 5 - 9, 2018 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network
(CCOIN) Conference.
St, John's. NF

All other meals provided at conference
$973.78 $402.22 $109.50 $1,485.50
Sep 16-18, 2018 Public Interest Disclosure Conference
Quebec City, QC

All other meals provided at conference
$248.49 $545.02 $55.00 $222.26 $1,070.77
Dec 8-12, 2018 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Philadelphia, PA
$1025.36 $438.24 $421.66 $1,885.26
Feb 15, 2019 Taxi to meeting $8.00 $8.00
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 6 - 8, 2017 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Charlottetown, PEI

All other meals provided at conference
$613.14 $495.12 $69.00  $1,177.26
Sep 17-19, 2017 Public Interest Disclosure Conference
St Andrews, NB

All other meals provided at conference
$337.42 $673.17 $45.00 $75.00  $1,130.59
Oct 2-5, 2017 Lobbyists Registrar Conference
Regina, SK

All other meals provided at conference
$720.75 $569.37 $77.75  $1,367.87
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 7 - 9, 2016 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Edmonton, AB

All other meals provided at conference
$714.89 $325.58 $152.13 $1,192.60
Sep 15, 2016 Taxi - LRCN Conference $10.00 $10.00
Dec 2016 Taxi to meeting - 1 Trip $14.00 $14.00
Dec 10 -14, 2016 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - New Orleans, LA
$829.14 $969.30 $316.45 $82.67 $2,197.56
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Feb 19, 2016 Taxi to meeting - 1 Trip $12.00 $12.00

Expenses of Cathryn Motherwell (Deputy Commissioner)

Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 6 - 8, 2023

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Halifax, Nova Scotia

All other meals provided at conference

$475.24 $20 $238.06 Note: No accommodation expenses as stayed with relative. $733.30
Sep 26 - 28, 2023

Lobbyists Registrar Conference 
Victoria, B.C.

All other meals provided at conference
$787.82 $55 $149.29 Note: No accommodation expenses as stayed with relative. $992.11
Dec 3-6, 2023

Council of Governmental Ethics Laws 
(COGEL)  - Kansas City, Missouri

All other meals provided at conference

$626.51 $1,040.77 $472.55 $58.50 $2,198.33
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 7 - 9, 2022

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Yellowknife, NWT

All other meals provided at conference

$1,165.92 $373.8 $35 $111.7 $1,686.42
Oct 3 - 5, 2022

Lobbyists Registrar Conference 
Quebec City, QC

All other meals provided at conference
$449.58 $996.03 $118 $106.37 $1,669.98
Dec 3 - 7, 2022

Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Montreal, QC

All other meals provided at conference

$321.89 $1,071.00 $47.50 $95.91 $1,536.30
March 2023

Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Programming Committee
Kansas City, MO

$909.51 $521.28 $157.30 $192.09 $1,770.29
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 3 - 5, 2019

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Regina, SK

All other meals provided at conference

$732.05 $363.06 $61.94 $1,157.05
Sep 24 - 26, 2019

Lobbyists Registrar Conference 
Ottawa, ON

All other meals provided at conference
$291.30 $444.22 $33.78 $769.30
Dec 14 - 18, 2019

Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Chicago, IL

All other meals provided at conference

$498.09 $991.22 $387.13 $91.98 $1,968.42
Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Apr 12-16, 2018 COGEL Planning Committee Meeting
Philadelphia. PA USA
$444.38 $1,084.41 $303.49 $100.95 $1,933.23
Sep 5 - 9, 2018 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network
(CCOIN) Conference.
St, John's. NF

All other meals provided at conference
$645.08 $402.22 22.50 $147.95 $1,217.75
Dec 8-12, 2018 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Philadelphia, PA
$421.66 $1026.98 $438.24 $101.75 $1,988.63
Mar 7-9, 2019 COGEL Planning Committee Meeting
Chicago. IL. USA
$345.35 $426.70 $95.00 $14.16 $881.21
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 6 - 8, 2017 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Charlottetown, PEI

All other meals provided at conference
$488.84 $495.12 $45.00 $77.00 $1,105.96
Oct 2-5, 2017 Lobbyists Registrar Conference
Regina, SK

All other meals provided at conference
$692.50 $571.37 $56.80 $1,320.67
Feb 5, 2018 Lobbyists Registrar Meeting
Ottawa. On

Lunch provided at meeting
$433.07 $206.79 $32.50 $48.47 $720.83
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 7 - 9, 2016 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Edmonton, AB

All other meals provided at conference
$656.67 $325.58 $11.25 $121.55 $1,115.05
Sep 18-20, 2016 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
Ottawa. ON

All other meals provided at conference
$311.03 $435.30 $20.00 $143.18 $909.51
Dec 10 -14, 2016 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - New Orleans, LA
$638.18 $988.08 $177.66 $67.34 $1,871.26
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 12 -15, 2015 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Network (LRCN) Conference - Winnipeg. MB

All meals provided at conference
$426.55 $353.38 $83.49 $863.42
Dec 6 - 9, 2015 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - Boston, MA
$347.26 $948.14 $110.55 $82.83 $1,488.78
Jan 21-22, 2016 Future of Lobbying Conference
Vanvouver. B.C
$623.57 $146.88 $43.59 $88.75 $902.79
Mar 10-12, 2016 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - Programming Committee
New Orleans, LA.
$581.86 $509.30 $87.84 $133.23 $1,312.23
Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 7-9, 2014 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Network (LRCN) Conference - Victoria BC

All meals provided at conference
Private accommodation
$709.12 $85.80 $0.00 $794.92
Dec 6 -10, 2014 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Toronto - Pittsburgh with L. Morrison
$166.64 $833.21 $77.56 $1,077.41
Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 4-6, 2013 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference 
Ottawa. On

Airfare claimed by L. Morrison
All other meals provided at meeting
$463.24 $16.75 $36.00 $515.99
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Apr 2012 Public Transit to meeting $2.60 $2.60
Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 8-10, 2011 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference 
Victoria. BC

All other meals provided at conference
Private accommodation
$776.49 $146.80 $923.29

Expenses of Genevieve Currie (General Counsel)

Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 6 - 8, 2023

Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Halifax, Nova Scotia

All other meals provided at conference

$559.20 $466.86 $80 $122.88 $1,228.94
Sep 19 - 21, 2023

Public Interest Disclosure Conference 
Charlottetown, P.E.I.

All other meals provided at conference

$813.25 $554.34 $45 $32.80 $1,445.39

Sep 26 - 28, 2023

Lobbyists Registrar Conference 
Victoria, B.C.

All other meals provided at conference

$602.88 $1,260.64 $92.50 $93.12 $2,049.14
Oct 11 - 13, 2023 Réseau Francophone d'éthique et de déontologie parlementaire
Quebec City, Q.C
$759.20 $616.42 $55.65 $77.50 $1,508.77

Dec 3 - 6, 2023

Council of Governmental Ethics Laws 
(COGEL)  - Kansas City, Missouri

All other meals provided at conference


$1,138.26 $604.47 $259.61 $24.71 $2,713.78

Expenses of Stephan Luciw (Former Counsel)

Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 7 - 9, 2022 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Yellowknife, NWT

All other meals provided at conference
$1,237.45 $373.80 $57.50 $131.71 $1,800.46
Oct 3 - 5, 2022

Lobbyists Registrar Conference
Quebec City, QC

All other meals provided at conference

$617.95 $664.02 $87.50 $93.95 $1463.42
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Dec 15-18, 2019 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL)
Chicago, IL

All other meals provided at conference
$592.98 $347.74 $486.24 $1,426.96

Expenses of Liliane Gingras (Former Counsel)

Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 16-18, 2018 Public Interest Disclosure Conference
Quebec City, QC

All other meals provided at conference
$375.86 $545.02 $55.00 $52.55 $1,028.43
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 17-19, 2017 Public Interest Disclosure Conference
St Andrews, NB

All other meals provided at conference
$343.07 $673.17 $65.00 $31.46 $1,112.70
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
May 6,. 2015 Parking - Meeting $12.00 $12.00
Sep 2-4, 2015 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference.
Quebec City, QC

All other meals provided at conference
$327.81 $352.92 $28.86 $122.66 $832.25
Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 14-16, 2014 Disclosure of Wrongdoing (DOW) Conference
Calgary, AB

All other meals provided at conference
$524.80 $446.84 $31.03 $84.50 $1,087.17

Expenses of Daman Thable (Former Counsel, Former Director)

Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 22 - 24, 2019 Public Interest Disclosure Conference
Halifax, NS

All other meals provided at conference
$390.69 $466.86 $35 $120.75 $1,013.30
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 18-20, 2016 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
Ottawa. ON

All other meals provided at conference
$388.66 $435.30 $39.20 $41.80 $904.96
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Dec 6 - 9, 2015 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - Boston, MA
$411.47 $948.35 $209.01 $51.80 $1,620.63

Expenses of Lynn Morrison (Former Integrity Commissioner)

Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Jul 2015 Taxi to meeting - 1 Trip $10.00 $10.00
Aug 2015 Taxi to meeting - 1 Trip $8.00 $8.00
Sep 21-22, 2015 Public Interest Disclosure Conference
Toronto. On (OIC - Host)
$25.67 $30.00 $55.67
Oct 2015 Taxis to meeting - 5 Trips $42.00 $42.00
Nov 2015 Taxis to meeting - 9 Trips $86.50 $86.50
Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Apr-Jun 2014 No Expenses $0.00
Jul 2014 Taxis to meeting
4 Trips
$35.00 $35.00
Aug 2014 Taxi to meeting $8.00 $8.00
Sep 3-5, 2014 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference Winnipeg, MB $1,249.38 $1,169.53 $34.70 $273.00 $0.00 $300.00 $3,026.61
Sep 7-9, 2014 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Network (LRCN) Conference
Victoria BC
Sep 14-16, 2014 Disclosure of Wrongdoing (DOW) Conference
Calgary, AB

Other Attendees:
L. Gingras

All other meals provided at conference

Other Expense:
CCOIN Registration
Oct 2014 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$20.00 $20.00
Nov 2014 Taxis to meeting
9 Trips
$82.50 $82.50
Dec 6 -10, 2014 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
(COGEL) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Other Attendees:
C. Motherwell
M. Sparling

Ground Travel :
Mileage Toronto-Pittsburgh (Return)

Other Expenses:
Hotel Parking (4 nights)
$834.09 $169.19 $428.80 $69.83 $1,501.91
Jan 31 2015 Taxi to meeting $8.00 $8.00
Feb 28 2015 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$25.00 $25.00
Mar 31 2015 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$18.00 $18.00
Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Apr 2013 Taxis to meeting
4 Trips
$37.00 $37.00
May 2013 Taxis to meeting
6 Trips
$74.00 $74.00
Jun 4, 2013 Car rental
Meeting with Municipal Integrity Commissioners
Waterloo, Ontario

Other Attendees:
D. Thable
$166.92 $166.92
Aug 2013 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$16.00 $16.00
Sep 4-6, 2013 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Ottawa. Ontario

L. Morrison $233.06
C. Motherwell $261.31

All other meals provided at meeting
$494.37 $430.37 $10.65 $98.00 $1,033.39
Sep 8-11, 2013 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Annual Meeting
Québec City.

Other Attendees:
C. Allen
$311.56 $390.60 $11.59 $80.00 $793.75
Sep 2013 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$18.00 $18.00
Sep 22-24, 2013 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
Regina Saskatchewan

Other Attendees:
V. Jepson

Other Expenses:
Travel Insurance
All other meals provided at conference
$699.28 $339.82 $26.55 $31.00 $16.87 $1,113.52
Oct 2013 Taxis to meeting
3 Trips
$26.00 $26.00
Dec 2013 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$20.00 $20.00
Dec 8-11, 2013 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
Quebec City, QC
$421.96 $479.81 $53.75 $80.00 $6.84 $1,042.36
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Apr 2012 Subway to meeting $2.60 $2.60
May 2012 Taxis to meeting
4 Trips
$47.00 $47.00
Jun 2012 Taxis to meeting
6 Trips
$53.00 $53.00
Jul 2012 Taxi to meeting $15.50 $15.50
Sep 2012 Taxis to meeting
3 Trips
$45.00 $45.00
Sep 6-9, 2012 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Fredicton. NB

Other Expenses:
Travel Insurance
All other meals provided at meeting
$483.92 $471.21 $87.95 $8.36 $1,051.44
Oct 2-4, 2012 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
St John's. NF

Other Expenses:
Travel Insurance

All other meals provided at conference
$678.28 $415.28 $60.00 $34.50 $6.69 $1,194.75
Oct 2012 Taxis to meeting
4 Trips
$40.25 $40.25
Nov 2012 Taxis to meeting
4 Trips
$38.50 $38.50
Jan 2013 Taxis to meeting
2 Trips
$17.00 $17.00
Feb 4, 2013 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Semi - Annual Meeting Ottawa.On.

Other Attendees:
C. Allen
V. Jepson

All other meals provided at meeting
$233.06 $177.41 $35.00 $445.47
Feb, 2013 Taxis to meeting
4 Trips
$39.50 $39.50
Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 8-10, 2011 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Victoria. BC

All other meals provided at conference
Airfare claimed seperately
$515.76 $154.00 $669.76
Sep 11-13,2011 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Annual Meeting
Edmonton,. AB.

All other meals provided at conference
Airfare claimed seperately
$426.03 $135.00 $561.03
Nov 10, 2011 Parking - Speaking Engagement
Scarborough. On
$6.00 $6.00
Nov 2011 Taxis to meeting
5 Trips
$43.00 $43.00
Jan 2012 Taxis to meeting $17.00 $17.00
Feb 5-7, 2012 Lobbyists Registrars' Meeting / House of Commons Committee Appearance / Meeting with Saskatchewan Members of the Legislative Assembly
Ottawa, Ontario.
$449.46 $354.82 $20.00 $70.00 $894.28

Expenses of Valerie Jepson (Former Counsel)

Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 22-24, 2013 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
Regina Saskatchewan

Other Attendees:
L. Morrison

Other Expenses:
Travel Insurance

All other meals provided at conference
$578.37 $339.92 $40.00 $74.50 $1,032.79
Fiscal Year 2012-2013
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Sep 6-9, 2012 Canadian Conflict of Interest Network (CCOIN) Conference
Fredicton. NB

Other Expenses:
Conference Fee

All other meals provided at meeting
$483.92 $471.21 $85.80 $200.00 $1,240.93
Oct 2-4, 2012 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
St John's. NF

Other Expenses:
Travel Insurance

All other meals provided at conference
$678.28 $415.28 $28.55 $1,122.11
Feb 4, 2013 Lobbyists Registrars & Commissioners Semi - Annual Meeting Ottawa.On.

Other Attendees:
C. Allen
L. Morrison

All other meals provided at meeting
Private accommodation
$255.66 $18.25 $273.91
Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Oct 7-19, 2011 Disclosure of Wrongdoing Conference
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Other Attendees
D. Pegus
$431.47 $232.16 $109.07 $164.20 $936.90
Oct 28, 2011 Travel to Pickering for file work

Other Expense
Meeting room rental
$56.80 $141.25 $198.05
Fiscal Year 2010-2011
Date Expense Description Airfare Hotel Meals Ground Travel Hospitality Other Total
Aug, 2010 Taxis to meeting
1 Trip
$9.00 $9.00
Oct, 2010 Taxis to meeting
1 Trip
$8.50 $8.50
Oct 5-6 2010 Disclosure of Wrongdoing conference and Lobbyist Information Session
Ottawa. Ontario
$460.81 $171.76 $16.48 $109.36 $758.41
Nov 2011 Taxis to meeting
1 Trip
$12.00 $12.00
Dec 5-8, 2010 Council of Governmental Ethics Laws
Meeting with representatives of the Special Counsel
Washington, DC

Other Expense
Conference Fee
$573.35 $644.20 $65.12 $127.47 $558.40 $1,968.54
Feb 6-7 2011 Lobbyists Registrars' Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario.
$368.66 $152.55 $33.00 $554.21