Guidance on the Gift Rule
MPPs may be offered gifts in the course of their legislative duties. Not all are acceptable, however.
In fact, the Members’ Integrity Act, 1994 prohibits MPPs from accepting a gift, fee or benefit that is connected directly or indirectly with the performance of his or her duties of office. There are only limited exceptions to this rule.
Only the Integrity Commissioner can determine if a gift is acceptable.
The Office has resources to assist MPPs and their staff to understand and comply with the gift rule.
Gifts that are valued at more than $200 CAD require a statement of gifts and personal benefits to be filed with the Office.
The $200 limit is related to the reporting threshold only and does not mean that an MPP can accept a gift under $200. It means that if the Commissioner determines that a gift can be accepted and that its value is more than $200, it will need to be reported publicly as part of the MPP’s annual financial public disclosure.
Always seek the Commissioner’s advice about whether a gift or benefit can be accepted.
When an MPP is offered a gift, he/she should ask the following questions:
- Who is giving me this gift or benefit and why?
- Could this gift or benefit be reasonably perceived as being given to influence me in the exercise of my official responsibilities?
- Is there an expectation that I will do something for the donor in return for receiving this gift?
MPPs should avoid circumstances where a reasonable person might conclude that a gift or benefit was given with an intention to influence them in carrying out their duties.